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Friday, April 1, 2011

Lobby Day - April 25th

As you will recall, at our last meeting the OEA CCC decided to organize a Lobby Day to promote community college funding and other community college and OEA CCC interests.

After initially planning to hold it in conjunction with an AFT-O lobby day, we decided to pursue a day that would allow a better focus on community college issues and would provide us more time to organize. Lindsey Capps has proposed we set Monday, April 25th as our lobby day, largely because the OSA and OCCSA are interested in having a mutual event and that day works well for them. After consulting with the council's Legislative Committee, Lindsey and I agreed on the 25th date.

Lindsey will provide additional details in future emails, but in the meantime we all should be trying to get at least a couple of our local members to join the effort in Salem that day.

It will include:
- A 'training' by Lindsey for OEA CC local members
- A joint rally with OSA and OCCSA members: there should be at least a couple of hundred folks attending, so it should be a 'rallying' experience
- Lobbying with Representatives and Senators

The OEA will provide lunch and will reimburse those traveling to Salem for transportation and food costs, and hotel if necessary (mileage requirement to be determined). The OEA will also fund the costs of substitute instructors should those be necessary.

Please consider coming out for this…it's a Monday and showing your support HERE will also help with bargaining! If you are interested, let us know back ASAP so that we can let OEA know how many to plan for.

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