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Monday, April 18, 2011

OEA RA, April 16 Morning

Live report from the OEA RA…

Saturday, April 16 in the morning…

Remarks by Richard Sanders, new Executive Director of OEA:

We live in a country known as Richistan…where Bill Gates and somebody named Brode
have enough money that they are training the new generation of school superintendents, and community college administrators, in the art and science of union busting. They have decided that they know how to teach better than trained educators do, that after 15 years of teaching effectiveness goes away, that further education and training are a waste of time. This is some of the most inspiring speech I’ve heard IN A LONG TIME from OEA leadership. Richard promises to follow the speech with actions to help us regain our stature as teachers and union members.
Jennifer and I attended the Region I Caucus this morning. To those of you who think OEA business meetings drone on forever, you should know we finished all the proposed policy, resolution, bylaws and new business items in about 30 minutes – a new record.

In a short time, the results of voting will be announced. Gail Rasmussen is running unopposed for 2nd term as OEA President, as is Hanna Vandering for OEA Vice President. There are 2 candidates running for the position of NEA Director, which represents us – Oregon – at the national level.

New business items are up now. More soon.

In solidarity,


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