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Monday, April 18, 2011

OEA RA, April 16 (2nd live report)

Live report 2 from the OEA RA…

Saturday, April 16 in the morning…
608 delegates are present this morning, representing K-12 and community colleges all over the state. Eleven of us are from community colleges.

New Business Items:
Strategic Action Task Force recommendation – task force to start more active organizing and action on behalf of educators and education in Oregon. Set the table and invite others to it instead of just being grateful we’re at someone else’s table. This item was adopted almost unanimously.
New Business Item 1 – OEA sponsor a student video competition so that students can showcase their accomplishments in education. Winners will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship for use toward college. A motion to refer this item to the Communications Cabinet failed. This item passed.
Now to Legislative Objectives: an amendment was proposed to the LO-s to add support for same-sex marriage; the amendment is already incorporated in the LO-s and is, therefore, unnecessary.
Amendment to LO #4 – academic testing should used for educators, not the public. This amendment was adopted. It applies to us.
On the main motion to adopt Legislative Objectives as amended: these were adopted.
President Gail Rasmussen thanked Colleen Works, a high school teacher from Corvallis, who teaches Social Studies.
More soon…
In solidarity,

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