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Monday, April 18, 2011

OEA RA, April 16th Afternoon (3rd Report)

Live report 3 from the OEA RA…

Saturday, April 16 in the afternoon…

Foundation report: the Foundation raises money and awards it to students (yes, community college students are eligible) in severe financial need to provide such things as buying new glasses, winter coats, etc. Teachers request the grants (yes, we could, too!) and then get to take the students shopping. Grants average about $100 and are given out at the rate of about $4000 per week. You can elect to donate via payroll deduction.

After lunch, we voted on resolutions and one of them was amended by Marilyn Pitts, MHCC PTFA. The amendment clarified the desired ratio of students to counselors for K-12 to be 1:250. Originally, there was no distinction between K-12 and community colleges. That ratio would have posed an onerous burden on community colleges, requiring the hiring of more than 100 counselors at CCC. While I think having that many counselors at CCC would mean MUCH better student retention, it’s not feasible. A new building would be required just to house them!
Bylaws: amendments to bylaws adjust the way OEA operates. We never see these directly, but we see the results. Then we moved to policy amendments. We see the results of these.

Lynda Graf received a Presidential Citation lifetime service award for her many years of dedicated service to the CCC Association of Classified Employees. I’ve known Lynda for man years; she has been one of my mentors in serving you. I’m thrilled that she has been acknowledged for her years of service.

I was awarded a Presidential Citation for member advocacy. I knew the award was coming but did not know what it was for…until my name was called. I still don’t know who nominated by…but my list of “suspects” is growing. To whomever nominated me, thank you. I feel very honored, as I have felt honored each and every year I have served as your president. It is really YOU that this is all about. YOU make it worthwhile to keep going…

In solidarity,


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