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Monday, April 18, 2011

Contract Language

The Actual Language changes can be found under the Documents List -->

Article 16
The College acknowledges the significance and value of past service by part-time faculty as an important criterion in making teaching assignments.
1. Part-time instructors shall be assigned department work assignments according to their level, qualifications, experience, evaluation and needs of the program.

1. In developing teaching assignments, preference will be given to instructors who have previously taught the class successfully at CCC.

1. If the Department Chair determines that two or more part-time instructors are equally qualified to teach a certain class, the class will be assigned according to the Ranking List (see B. below) to the Part-Time Faculty member with the earliest date of hire in that department.

1. College departments will develop and maintain a Part-Time Faculty Ranking List based on Pay Level , then date of hire in that department.
a. The Ranking List will be made available to Part-Time Faculty to review in the department office, and a copy of all Ranking Lists will be provided to the Association.
b. The Ranking List will be updated each term.
2. Each department prepares a master schedule of courses, term-by-term.
a. From that schedule, faculty are assigned courses.
b. After determination of qualifying criteria, Part-Time Faculty will be offered classes as established by the Ranking List, until all courses are assigned.
c. Courses remaining unassigned are available to new hires.

1. Both the department chair and the Part-Time Faculty members may indicate preferences in advance in order to facilitate placement, but such preferences will be considered non-binding.

1. Part-Time Faculty may leave CCC for a maximum of five (5) consecutive terms (including Summer), or with a department-approved leave of absence, without having the absence affect their ranking.


1. Absences of longer than five (5) consecutive terms (including Summer) constitute a “new hire” for purposes of assigning work according to the Ranking List.

1. This practice will be reviewed annually by the appropriate Dean and the Association to ensure consistency of implementation.

7. A Part-Time Faculty member passed over for a class the member believes he/she should have been offered has access to the following recourse:
a. The member may ask the department chair for an explanation of the course assignment(s) in question.
b. The member may contact the Association and request assistance.

1. Request for explanation or assistance by an Association member shall

not subject the member to prejudice or retaliation regarding future
assignments in that, or any other, department.

1. In previous negotiations, the college bargained in good faith to eliminate teaching load caps in exchange for the implementation of a full-time to part-time ratio between 1:1.85 and 1:1.92.
2. De-facto teaching caps implemented at the department level will be subject to the grievance procedure.


1. Upon request, instructors will receive a projected instructional load for the next academic year by July 1.

1. Such projections are not a guarantee of employment or assignment, and it is recognized that the projected assignments may be changed based on the needs of the department; however, a good-faith effort will be made to ensure the accuracy of the projected assignments.


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