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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rallies across the State - Keep Dr. King's Dream Alive

April 4 - Rallies across Oregon

Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated April 4, 1968 in Memphis where he was standing with sanitation workers trying to unionize. Grassroots actions are happening across the country on April 4 to show the cause endures. Join in!

Unions, civil and human rights activists, students, and other allies will host a range of community and workplace-focused actions. Look to see what's coming together in your area (including events in Salem, La Grande, Newport, Eugene, Portland, and Klamath Falls) - fliers, stickers, resources, teach-in toolkit - let people know about your event - all at the We Are One website.

Portland's April 4 Rally to keep Dr. King's Dream Alive
Locals in Portland will gather at 5:30 p.m., at Portland’s Director Park, SW 9th and Yamhill. The rally, sponsored by the Oregon AFL-CIO, Northwest Oregon Labor Council, and others will be moderated by Carl Wolfson, comedian and host of The KPOJ Morning Show. Locals in other cities are encouraged to work with their central labor councils to organize local rallies.

View the flyer and details here

Click here for event details on Facebook

Oregon Education Association
6900 SW Atlanta Street
Portland, Oregon 97223-2513

Thank you OEA for bringing us this announcement

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