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Friday, March 11, 2011

Letter from Hannah Vandering, OEA Vice President

Pacific Region Delegates,

Thank you again for attending the Pacific Region Leadership Conference, it was great to have such an amazing group of leaders represent  OEA!  I am sorry this took so long, we had a little glitch in getting the email addresses.

Here is the information we agreed to share with all of you:

•         Link to PRLC site – If you signed up for the Groupsite you should have access to all of the information (in the file cabinet under the share tab.  If you did not sign up for the site and would like the information please go to prlc@nea.org<mailto:prlc@nea.org> and request an invitation to join the group site.

•         PowerPoint from our meeting (see document list ----> )

•         Directions to sign up for the leader letter – please send an e-mail to webadmin@oregoned.org<mailto:webadmin@oregoned.org> and just ask to subscribe to the  Leader Letter, Janine will sign you up

•         Foundation form (see document list ----->, payroll deduction and one-time donor)

•         Information on Wisconsin, the attached document is old, but good information.  For the latest news from our brothers and sisters from the  Wisconsin Education Association you can go to www.weac.org<http://www.weac.org>.    You can also check our website www.oregoned.org<http://www.oregoned.org>  or friend us on Facebook.

Johanna Vaandering | OEA Vice President |Phone (503) 684-3300 | Fax (503) 624-5814

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