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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Road Scholar Print to e-Newsletter Conversion

Thank you for taking the time to read our first PTFA e-Newsletter! As of fall of 2011, the PTFA does not currently have the resources to provide the labor needed to support our print newsletter. Here is some basic information about our new newsletter format.

Q: How can I make sure I get the latest PTFA news at cccroadscholar.blogspot.com?

A: Become a follower!

First, visit the blog homepage: http://cccroadscholar.blogspot.com/

If you’re not already a follower, you should see a link on the far left of the navigation bar at the top of the page that says “Follow.”

Once you click on it, select how you'd like to follow the blog (either publicly or anonymously), then click the "Follow this blog" button.

“If you elected to follow the blog publicly, your profile picture will be displayed on the blog with a link to your Blogger profile. When you become a follower of a blog, the blog will also be added to your Reading List on your Blogger dashboard. Additionally, you can become a follower of any blog or URL (even if the blog doesn't have the Followers widget) by adding the blog to your Reading List on the dashboard.” (copied from Blogger help files)

Q: How can I contribute to Road Scholar?

A: Email the PTFA, and they will set you up as a Road Scholar author.

Email the PTFA and let them know that you want to be added to our Road Scholar blog as an author. To keep it simple, put something like “Please make me a Road Scholar author” in the title. Thank you!

Q: Why should I consider following or contributing to Road Scholar?

A: Next to email, the blog will now be our best means for communicating with PTFA.

The PTFA currently does not have the means to continue to support a newsletter in print form. The print version of Road Scholar that we have all become accustomed to seeing in our mailboxes near the end of each term is a thing of the past. Of course, the Association will continue to communicate with PTF via email, but any general news that the Association has to share each term (such as the president’s report, advocacy report, or conference updates) will now be shared via the blog.

Following the blog will help keep you updated as news is posted. Becoming a contributor will allow you to write your own articles to be shared with the entire PTFA. We welcome all contributors!

Finally, if you would like to help revive a print newsletter, please let us know. We currently have the financial resources to support the print newsletter, but we don’t have enough people to work on it to keep it going. If this is of interest to you, please contact Jennifer Rueda (jrueda@clackamas.edu).  The PTFA has plenty to share about how editing the newsletter for three years was of significant professional advantage. So please, let us know if you’re interested. Until then, we’ll see you on the blog!

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