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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Blow to GOP governor; victory for unions

It's been a rough day.  I tend to think the best about people and almost always I'm rewarded with good karma. I really wanted to have a meeting of the minds with admin today, but alas, it doesn't look like that will happen. They are going to take our proposal to the Board of Ed tomorrow. Why? I don't know. Either to get permission to settle or to go to "impasse". Impasse is when the union and mangement can't settle, so management "imposses" it's last and best offer. I'm disappointed to say that management's last and best offer would strip our part-time local of some rights we hold near and dear. We have talked and talked and talked for 18 months and management is not interested in protecting the few rights we have. We have listened to admin many times and have made a real attempt to meet them half-way. We have made many, many proposals which would protect our rights, and at the same time, try to take care of admin's needs too. Alas, admin has rejected every idea we've put forth. It's pretty damn disappointing.  Because of Ohio's victory, I can regroup, sleep, awake and fight for our local twice as hard tomorrow. I am more and more convinced that if admin will not respect the rights we do have, then we will happily fight the good fight, just like they have in Ohio. Go Unions!

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