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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

PTFA Quarterly eNews, Fall 2011

Bargaining Update, by PTFA President Jennifer Rueda: It’s been a tough 18 months. There is nothing I’d like more than to settle the contract. However, we can’t do that if it means losing our seniority rights. We are not asking for new rights . . . read more.

Road Scholar Print to e-Newsletter Conversion: Thank you for taking the time to read our first PTFA e-Newsletter! As of fall of 2011, the PTFA does not currently have the resources to provide the labor needed to support our print newsletter. Here is some basic information about our new newsletter format. . . . read more.

Imagine Clackamas, by President Emeritus Tim Pantages: This year’s “theme” for the College, chosen by the Administration, is to remember what Clackamas used to be, and imagine what it can become now and in the future. Remember what it used to be? Remember the “Clackamas Way”? . . . read more.

Arbitration Update, by PTFA President Jennifer Rueda: The math arbitration held on Tuesday, October 19 was my first arbitration hearing outside of testifying for Farmers Insurance years ago. In my previous life, I was a PIP (Personal Injury Protection) adjuster, and twice, I think, I testified about the behavior of a lying, angry and/or crazy claimant who wanted more benefits they he or she was entitled. This time was different. . . . read more.

From Dr. Hoot's Perch: Advice from Dr. Ivan Mancinelli-Franconi on beating the fall and winter blues, October 2011. As we enter fall and winter seasons, and the days get shorter, our spirit, or mood also change. Many people experience mood and behavioral changes accompanied by feelings of exhaustion. Some people are deeply affected by the lack of sunlight, experiencing “Winter Blues.” Winter Blues is most often associated with not being able to be outside as much, unpleasant memories of past holiday events, and not being able to be with one’s loved ones. . . . read more.

From Dr. Hoot's Perch: Advice from Dr. Ivan Mancinelli-Franconi on how to use Kahuna breathing techniques for healing and relaxation, November 2011. Some of the best healing techniques come from nature. They are so simple that we need very little training to practice and implement them. The Hawaiians have a very ancient tradition of healing, a mixture of psychology, religion and philosophy known as “Huna.” This traditional Polynesian belief system and healing tradition was first encountered by Captain James Cook in 1778. . . . read more.

NEA LEA Field Training, by PTFA President, Jennifer Rueda: Yours truly was nominated for some wonderful NEA leadership training last December. I had no idea what to expect, not having had much union experience, but found a very exceptionally professional organization in the NEA. The training is called ELA (Emerging Leaders Academy) and it takes one year to complete. . . . read more.

Combating Larger Class Sizes: Resources from the OEA, passed on by our OEA consultant Brett Nair. Large class size weighing you down? Looking for ways to work smarter and not just harder and longer? Go to the OEA Website to explore practical and specific tips for teaching large class sizes . . . read more.

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