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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

7 hours in...and nothing

7 hours in...and management still expects us to give up our rights and take a defacto pay cut. Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of hope at this point of getting a settlement.

The College wants absolute control over class assignments without the "hindrance" of honoring seniority.

They want to be able to do informal evaluations and make decisions about YOUR job without any input from your Association, and they don't think any of us are qualified to be full-time faculty. They believe we are hired AND fired every term.

Is this how it should be? It's time to make yourself heard. Start with Joanne Truesdaell. Send her an email...either she doesn't know what's going on or she agrees with it. If we stay silent now, management has no reason to think they should change their attitude toward us.

In solidarity,

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