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Friday, August 31, 2012

OEA President’s Training: Aug 16 & 17, 2012

1.    OEA Reorganization:

The Strategic Action Plan, voted upon at a recent R.A. (representative assembly), was done in part to help the OEA recover from a more than 2 million dollar deficit. One reason the OEA had to re-organize is because so many teachers left the profession (since the recession), causing the OEA to lose dues income.

As of September 1, 2012, there will be 4 “centers”:

·         Center for Business and Finance (treasurer training, membership calculations & processing, IRS matters, forensic accounting, technology)

·         Center for Advocacy and Affiliate Services (bargaining assistance & research, grievances, legal dept, critical issues, education partnerships, workshops)

·         Center for Public Affairs (government relations [lobbying], school board elections, bonds & levies, member training, grassroots & community organizing)

·         Center for Great Public Schools (professional skills & practice and education innovation)

The OEA has moved from a “service” model to an “organizing” model. This does not mean that the OEA will no longer furnish services, such as help with grievances and bargaining, but that the OEA will be taking more time and effort to train and support locals so that they are more independently stronger (think ownership & pride) and less reliant on the OEA.

2.    NEA Member Benefits http://www.neamb.com/

·         Insurance programs, including complementary life insurance and specially negotiated auto and home rates

·         Credit programs, including an NEA credit card

·         Loan and mortgage programs

·         Savings & investment programs

·         Discount programs (Costco, auto purchase, click & save, magazines, moving & storage, H&R block, health & wellness, travel & professional services)

·         Professional liability and attorney referral program

3.    NEA Academy (http://www.neaacademy.org/):

·         Local officer training: treasurer, leadership, etc.

·         Tuition discounts

·         Application fee waivers

·         Continuing education

·         Certificates

·         Online masters programs

·         Spanish for educators

·         Much, much more

4.    Bargaining:

A.   A bargaining team should represent all bargaining unit members. In our case, instructors, librarians, nurses, coaches, etc.

B.   Personalities should include the loudmouth, the calm & collected, the intuitive, newbies and old hands

C.   The OEA (and NEA) can provide wording from other contracts

D.   Procedure

1.    Form a bargaining team

2.    Form a bargaining support team

3.    Survey the members for their ideas/issues (OEA has a survey)

4.    Bargaining team goes through the contract

5.    Meetings to discuss

6.    Prioritize the issues

5.    Newsletter communication:

·         Microsoft Word documents to make newsletters

·         Many other templates

·         Newsletter tips and content suggestions

·         How to get OEA and NEA sources

6.    Duty of Fair Representation: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/displaycode?section=gov&group=03001-04000&file=3544-3544.9

“The employee organization recognized or certified as the exclusive representation for the purpose of meeting and negotiating shall fairly represent each and every employee in the appropriate unit.” California Government code 3544.9

1.    Duty to represent all unit employees.

2.    Duty to negotiate on behalf of all unit employees…

3.    Duty to be familiar with the contract.

4.    Duty to advise unit employees of their legal rights…

5.    Duty to process grievances in a non-arbitrary, no discriminatory and…

6.    And five MORE duties

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