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Monday, August 29, 2011

Strike Blocked, Central Michigan U. and Faculty Will Bring Labor Dispute to Fact Finder

Hello from California...here is an article from the Chronicle of Higher Ed that I thought was interesting. Joey

Strike Blocked, Central Michigan U. and Faculty Will Bring Labor Dispute to Fact Finder
August 26, 2011, 2:08 pm

An agreement worked out this morning will continue to block a strike by Central Michigan University faculty members but will grant them several important goals while a state-sponsored fact-finding process seeks a resolution of salary and benefit issues behind the labor dispute, The Saginaw News reported. Some 600 tenured and tenure-track professors walked off their jobs on Monday, before a judge ordered them back to work. Under the deal announced today, the faculty union will refrain from striking but may picket. In turn, the university will reinstate union dues collections, binding arbitration, and grievance procedures, will allow faculty members to choose a different prescription-drug plan, and will not retaliate against the strikers. The first hearing of the fact finder, who was appointed by the Michigan Employment Relations Commission, is scheduled for September 7.


  1. Hi, Joey! Thanks for sharing! Hope you're enjoying your new fulltime gig down there in sunny California! :) Congratulations, once again! We will miss you!

  2. I keep trying to post and it won't let me. I miss you guys! Joey..I can sign into post but not to comment. Jennifer, am I the only one??
