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Saturday, August 27, 2011

bend quarterly update #5

Next we had info on SB909 and SB242 (909 is the Oregon Education Investment Board). SB242 creates a new entity. The Higher Education (HE) Committee brings the Oregon University System (OUS) and the 17 community colleges together. Previously, HE referred to only the OUS system. This has great symbolic value, as the community colleges are now equal partners in determining HE education across the state. In fact, CC's are at the heart of the college continuem.

In addition, SB242 makes the OUS system a non-state agency, which unburdens it from many state mandates. However, OUS will still be under the state department of education.

The goal of all this is to fund public education differently. Instead of seat-time (FTE), the funding points would be some of the following:

**certificates and degrees
**moving English language learners to English proficiency
**documenting the first 15 and 30 hours of instruction
**dual HS enropre-college-college
**students have the skills necessary to do college-level work

The current funding model wants to fill seats, but doesn't provide a way for the student to stay in the seat. Instead, OEIB wants to measure completion and knowledge uptake.

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