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Friday, August 26, 2011

college council message #1

As you probably know, the OEA represents K-12, as well as the 17 community colleges. Under the OEA banner is college council, which represents CC classified, PT and FT interests. I'm here in Bend for the quarterly meeting. I'll try to send you bits of info as the meeting progresses.

1. Klamath community college has worked since 2009 to firstly be recognized by the Oregon Employment Board, then to fight for a contract. They just got their very first contract, and so we eagerly welcome them to the union family.

2. Oregon Edu Investment Project: under HB 242, I think, Governor Kitzhaber has created a plan for the state's education system. This plan encompasses pre-kinder through post-graduate, and it's referred to as "0-20", zero being pre-kinder and twenty being a master's degree. The whole system must be accountable, not just early learning; in fact, grades 11 - 14 (HS thru early college) are furthest behind. The long-term goal of the OEIB is "40/40/20", 40% of Oregonians will have a BA, 40% will have an AA or certificate, and 20% will have a HS diploma.

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