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Sunday, March 11, 2012

NEA Pacific Conference Report
Submitted by: Christi Loya

Date: 3/10/12


This report covers the workshops that I observed during the three day NEA Pacific Conference.

Workshop Description: Day 1; Friday 4pm; State Meeting
Topic:  Focus of the conference

The focus of the conference was on organizing. The NEA had several defeats in the past year (budget shortfall of $2.6 million, candidates who were elected to office but changed their vote on critical legislation) and the NEA needs the support from members to try to strength their standing.
The group brainstormed solution around fixing the budget shortfall. Currently several of the NEA offices are at risk of being shut down. Most of the suggestions centered on raising money. I made a few suggestions regarding cost cutting efforts, such as increasing telecommuting to reduce overhead costs. However, cost cutting suggestions were not well received. Many people actually became angry at such suggestion because they felt the real problem that needed to be addressed was the constant cost cutting that has been imposed on the schools for the past few decades.

Workshop Description: Day 1; Friday 6pm; Organizing 2.0 - Introduction to PRLC Training

Topic: Organizing  and Motivating Volunteers
This meeting focused more on motivating volunteers. A key focus was the effect of groups on volunteers. The interaction between people and the shared vision of a common goal can create an energy that will push people to greater things. Questions asked by the speaker were "What makes you excited in your local," "What have you not done to capture the imagination of the members?" and "What would make you excited?"

Idaho President of NEA told story of how he had trouble connecting with his branch and didn't know why. He conducted a survey and SWOT analysis to identify his issues. He discovered it was something he did not anticipate. They didn't feel he looked the part (young, long hair, and casual dress.) This undermined their trust in him and their NEA branch. He responded by changing his image to what they expected and he found people began to approach him and membership involvement increased. Message: 1) Don't assume you know why there is a problem and 2) Little things matter.

Workshop Description: Day 2; Saturday 8:30am; One-on-one Conversations Workshop

Topic: Learning to listen and motivate
Presenters Kathy Anderson (NEA Director) and Nata Watson (President of NEA Washington branch) presented a class they normally present in 3 days called "Organizing for Power."

Function of 1-on-1:
1.       To assess
2.       To find people of passion
3.       Build relationship with peers
4.       To identify what motivates
5.       Identify potential leaders
6.       To get commitment

Key Points:
1.       Model openness and vulnerability
2.       Active listening
3.       Effective Challenging

Organize and Mobilize:
1.       Organize: Assess members
2.       Mobilize: Power through applied action

Organizing is about generating power; Establish a culture of involvement and ownership.

Organizing Using COG Method:
1.       Listen
2.       Plan
3.       Act
4.       Evaluate

Relationships matter. You cannot connect without it. Learn to listen. Do not tell them. Create common stories by finding mutual interests. After you do all of this, connecting with you members will happen naturally.

Workshop Description: Day 2; Saturday 2:30am; Message Development
Topic: Learning to combat negative messages.

Speaker discussed how recently the NEA had been under attack by a negative campaign to discredit their union (about half of the meeting was spent reviewing these negative messages.) The key points of the workshop focused on dealing with negative attacks.
1.       Reframe a negative message.
2.       Divide and conquer
3.       Never "go on the attack"
4.       Make sure your message is 100% positive

Workshop Description: Day 3; Sunday 8:30am; Budget review

Topic: Budget shortfall
The topic of this meeting was the $2.6 million dollar shortfall. Mostly what was covered was potential negative effects as well as the negative results that have already impacted the schools. One story was about the California schools where teachers are given a choice to be laid off or become a substitute for a year. By becoming a substitute teacher, they lose the years they built up and the associated benefits. For example, a teacher who had been working 15 years who built up 4 weeks of vacation, would now only get 1 week. One woman reported that due to this new cost-cutting tactic her school had 28 substitute teachers and 4 permanent teachers.


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