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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Union Trainings

The University of Oregon hosts LERC, Labor Education and Research Center, both in Eugene and here in Portland. They have several union trainings coming up, which would be covered by the PTFA (but perhaps not thru Prof Dev Funds, as union training is probably not related to your teaching).


1. March 4-8: Arbitration Institute at Menucha Retreat Center $1,300.00 (sorry, the PTFA can't afford that!)
2. April 5th: Public Employment Relations Conference in Salem. $125 - $135.00.
3. May 4/5th: Leadership School in Portland. $75 - $80.00
4. May 16th: Health Care Bargaining Conference in Portland. Cost unknown.
Tuition assistance is available via the Katie Tate Award (an SEIU 503 union activist)

Please contact Jennifer at Pebblesmom1@gmail.com if you'd like to attend. Let's keep these union classes off the college server. Thanks!!

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