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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Working relationships

I'm so grateful to Abe and Catherine for starting a dialogue (which should be continued on the blog, by the way).  I too, am looking forward to building a relationship with Admin, who I think is great. I have been meeting with some of them for a year; now I will begin to meet more often with HR, Joanne (the president), the other associations, and other governing bodies. Nobody wants a positive working relationship that I, and I beleive it can be done.
I apologize for not giving out enough bargaining info. Abe, you're right- just saying "it's hurtful" does more harm than good. When I give bargaining messages, I wrestle with giving out some info and not saying too much, ex-parte. We are not permitted to discussing bargaining outside of actual bargaining. This insures an open process with no behind-the-scenes deal-making. I'm a little green, so I'm not sure what can be said over email and what should be kept confidential. Regarding the "hurtful" comment, it is in reference to admin's decision to undermine our seniority rights by having certain language in the contract that undermines our seniority rights. How's that for transparent! :-)
Another item about bargaining and moodiness: it's hard work.  For a year, I stayed distant, professional and quiet while I learned the ropes. In fairness to all parties, I'm proud to say I formed my own opinions. Having said that, there comes a time when you put so much work and energy into something that it does become personal and therefore encouraging and/or disappointing. Where does one draw the line between non-personal wrok issues and fighting for our values as an institution. To fight for values, one has to take it personally.
At any rate, I'm eager for our association to have many conversations over the next year so I can get to know you, and determine our needs and wants.
PS- I really, truly am working on reducing the number of emails :-)

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