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Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 12 visit with U.S. secretary of education

We are excited to let you know that today we have confirmed that OEA Members will be meeting with Arne Duncan on Wednesday, October 12th! We will have more information for you by the end of the week on the logistics, but this is what we know today:

WHO: U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and OEA Members (this will be a ticketed event and limited to OEA Members) --- We are looking for a venue that can hold several hundred people and with ample parking.

DATE & TIME: Wednesday, October 12th from 4:45 – 6:15 p.m.

LOCATION: TBD --- But, a metro area location that has adequate parking so that OEA members from surrounding areas can arrive quickly after school.
FORMAT: We expect this meeting to take shape like a town hall, with an opportunity for OEA to: 1) Share our stories about what is happening in Oregon’s schools; 2) and to ask questions about the state of education reform and its impact on student achievement today.

For purposes of a well-organized meeting with Secretary Duncan, we invite UniServs to submit 1-2 questions to OEA-GR@oregoned.org along with your name (local leader) and the name and contact information (cell phone & personal email address) of someone from your UniServ that will be able to attend the meeting and potentially ask your UniServ’s question.

 Your UniServ’s questions should focus on: The state of education reform and its impact on student achievement today. We will be using stories submitted by OEA members about the start of their school year.

There will be time for 8-12 questions and we would like your help to ensure that the questions represent the concerns of members from across the state and that they are thoughtfully constructed so that we can get as many answered as possible. Our purpose is not to edit, but to have a purposeful discussion with Secretary Duncan.

We will have more information for you by the end of this week, confirming a location and other logistics.

Thank you!

Director for Public Affairs

Director for Public Affairs

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