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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Last bargaining session before mediation

Our last bargaining session before mediation is Wednesday, July 13, from 2 to 4:30 pm in DeJardin, on the 2nd floor.

If we get an agreement, you'll get a letter in the mail and emails to let you see the old contract and the new side by side. Then, we'll vote.

If we don't get an agreement, the College will implement their last offer to us. This works in our favor and it means we need to get people to show up frequently to send the message that the College's offers so far are unacceptable.

The bottom line at this point: the College Administration expects us, your bargaining team, to accept (for you) proposals which strip away important rights and benefits without offering you anything in return. Yup. You read that right.

Show up. Support your bargaining team. It's YOUR working life we're talking about.

In solidarity,

1 comment:

  1. I'm not really anonymous, but I don't fit any of the other options for posting (or maybe I just don't understand them--could we have an explanation somewhere on the homepage?).

    Anyway, can we have an update on where we're at on this? It is summer and I know we're not all staying on top of everything as well as we could, but I think we do care.

    Martha Bailey
    Social Science/Philosophy and Religion
