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Saturday, February 26, 2011

PRL Conference, February 25, 2011

Jennifer Rueda is attending the PRL Conference and here is her latest update:

Dear Part-time Faculty,

I went today, Friday Feb 25th, to my first NEA conference, the Pacific Regional Leadership Conference (PRLC). It’s taking place downtown at the Hilton Hotel.

I first attended a session for new delegates, then attended a pro-labor rally nearby (at SW Taylor and 8th). The pro-labor rally had folks from the local IBEW, the local SIEU, PSU’s AAUP (Association of University Professors), Portland Jobs with Justice, and lots of NEA conference attendees. It was cold, but I estimate at least a 1000 of us stood in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Wisconsin, Iowa, Idaho, Indiana and other states. The theme was “We Are Wisconsin”.

Next, I met up with CCC part-time psychology instructor, Ivan Mancinelli at the Oregon State Delegation meeting. We had a fun time with OEA president, Gail Rasmussen and her team. We’ll be meeting again tomorrow night.

Then came a great dinner with the Kukatononn Children’s Dance Troop, followed by rousing speeches from Gail Rasmussen, Idaho Education Association’s President, Sherri Wood, and NEA President Dennis Van Roekel. Because Idaho is part of the NEA’s Pacific Region, we learned about Superintendent Tom Luna’s so-called education reform plan, which includes Idaho senate bills:

· SB1108 (union-busting bill) http://www.legislature.idaho.gov/legislation/2011/S1108SOP.pdf

· SB 1110 (pay for performance) http://www.legislature.idaho.gov/legislation/2011/S1110SOP.pdf

· SB 1113 (layoff 1000 teachers, use $ to pay for technology) http://www.legislature.idaho.gov/legislation/2011/S1113SOP.pdf

Dennis Van Roekel urged everyone to fight the good fight, because without unions there is no middle class. Everyone is urged to sign up with EducationVotes.NEA.org (http://educationvotes.nea.org/). We must stand together as ONE to successfully fight the union-busting bills around the country. In addition, as local PTFA members, I highly encourage you to extend your membership to the OEA/NEA. I’ve attached the necessary form, which you can return to Rosemary or me.

Yours in service,

Jennifer Rueda


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