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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Action Alert: Support funding Oregon's Community Colleges

It's time to demonstrate the power of the Oregon Idea. What makes this effort unique is that for the first time in Oregon's history, our universities, community colleges, and OHSU are all united around a legislative agenda.

California's community colleges need your help.

No mater what motivates you to join the effort, whether you are an alum of one of Oregon's major universities, a business owner or a community college graduate, The Oregon Idea needs you to contact your legislator to support increased funding for Oregon's 17 community colleges.

As the state has been forced to reduce the amount it spends on all services, demand at Oregon's 17 community colleges has grown significantly. Since the current recession began, enrollment at community colleges i up by over 30%.

Funding the Community Colleges support Fund with $425 million is an investment that will lead to economic growth for our stat.

Oregon's small business and large corporations rely on our community colleges to help train a qualified workforce and last year along 384,000 over Oregonians turned to these institutions to acquire the skills and training needed to get jobs.

Please take a moment to send a letter to your legislator (http://theoregonidea.org/contact-your-legislator-ccsf/ ), urging support for adequate funding for Oregon's community colleges. Together, we can urge the Legislature to invest in today's Education, for Tomorrow's Economy.

This is copied from a email received from The Oregon Idea.

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