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Your forum for conversation, news, and updates about your world.

Monday, February 28, 2011

PTFA Bargaining Meeting

Your PTFA is proposing an important bargaining update on:

Thursday, March 10th, 4:00pm, location TBA. Flyer coming out soon.

Please make time in your calendars. Thank you.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

PRL Conference, February 25, 2011

Jennifer Rueda is attending the PRL Conference and here is her latest update:

Dear Part-time Faculty,

I went today, Friday Feb 25th, to my first NEA conference, the Pacific Regional Leadership Conference (PRLC). It’s taking place downtown at the Hilton Hotel.

I first attended a session for new delegates, then attended a pro-labor rally nearby (at SW Taylor and 8th). The pro-labor rally had folks from the local IBEW, the local SIEU, PSU’s AAUP (Association of University Professors), Portland Jobs with Justice, and lots of NEA conference attendees. It was cold, but I estimate at least a 1000 of us stood in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Wisconsin, Iowa, Idaho, Indiana and other states. The theme was “We Are Wisconsin”.

Next, I met up with CCC part-time psychology instructor, Ivan Mancinelli at the Oregon State Delegation meeting. We had a fun time with OEA president, Gail Rasmussen and her team. We’ll be meeting again tomorrow night.

Then came a great dinner with the Kukatononn Children’s Dance Troop, followed by rousing speeches from Gail Rasmussen, Idaho Education Association’s President, Sherri Wood, and NEA President Dennis Van Roekel. Because Idaho is part of the NEA’s Pacific Region, we learned about Superintendent Tom Luna’s so-called education reform plan, which includes Idaho senate bills:

· SB1108 (union-busting bill) http://www.legislature.idaho.gov/legislation/2011/S1108SOP.pdf

· SB 1110 (pay for performance) http://www.legislature.idaho.gov/legislation/2011/S1110SOP.pdf

· SB 1113 (layoff 1000 teachers, use $ to pay for technology) http://www.legislature.idaho.gov/legislation/2011/S1113SOP.pdf

Dennis Van Roekel urged everyone to fight the good fight, because without unions there is no middle class. Everyone is urged to sign up with EducationVotes.NEA.org (http://educationvotes.nea.org/). We must stand together as ONE to successfully fight the union-busting bills around the country. In addition, as local PTFA members, I highly encourage you to extend your membership to the OEA/NEA. I’ve attached the necessary form, which you can return to Rosemary or me.

Yours in service,

Jennifer Rueda


Action Alert: Support funding Oregon's Community Colleges

It's time to demonstrate the power of the Oregon Idea. What makes this effort unique is that for the first time in Oregon's history, our universities, community colleges, and OHSU are all united around a legislative agenda.

California's community colleges need your help.

No mater what motivates you to join the effort, whether you are an alum of one of Oregon's major universities, a business owner or a community college graduate, The Oregon Idea needs you to contact your legislator to support increased funding for Oregon's 17 community colleges.

As the state has been forced to reduce the amount it spends on all services, demand at Oregon's 17 community colleges has grown significantly. Since the current recession began, enrollment at community colleges i up by over 30%.

Funding the Community Colleges support Fund with $425 million is an investment that will lead to economic growth for our stat.

Oregon's small business and large corporations rely on our community colleges to help train a qualified workforce and last year along 384,000 over Oregonians turned to these institutions to acquire the skills and training needed to get jobs.

Please take a moment to send a letter to your legislator (http://theoregonidea.org/contact-your-legislator-ccsf/ ), urging support for adequate funding for Oregon's community colleges. Together, we can urge the Legislature to invest in today's Education, for Tomorrow's Economy.

This is copied from a email received from The Oregon Idea.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bargaining update

Important date:

Please attend this meeting. The more people who attend, the better we are represented.

Monday, 2/28/11 from 8;30 am to 11am, in DeJardin 2nd floor - We are expecting responses from the College to our proposals on seniority, wages, health care, and employee rights.

ALL members are encouraged to attend; observers make the process work better!

Support for Wisconsin


In Wisconsin and around our country, the American Dream is under fierce attack. Instead of creating jobs, Republicans are giving tax breaks to corporations and the very rich and then cutting funding for education, police, emergency response and vital human services. The right to organize is on the chopping block. The American Dream is slipping out of reach for more and more Americans, and we have to fight back.

Can you add your endorsement to the call for emergency rallies in front of every statehouse this Saturday at 12 Noon to stand in solidarity with the people of Wisconsin? We must demand an end to the attacks on workers'
rights and public services across the country. Demand investment, to create decent jobs for the millions of people who desperately want to work. And demand that the rich and powerful pay their fair share.

You can add your name and endorse the call for emergency rallies by following this link:



-Susan Edwards

The link is also live under links -------->

The CCC Road Scholar Begins

This blog provides a chance for Clackamas Community College Part-Time Faculty to interact with each other and get current news in one place.

It will provide a forum for PTF to discuss issues such as bargaining, the bond campaign, state support for community colleges, and proposed legislation that benefits us as PTF, just to name a few possible topics.

We need your input to keep us vibrant and strong. This forum belongs to you!