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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Urgent: Please call Senator Wyden re: Fiscal Cliff

URGENT: Call Senator Wyden Today!As Congress and the President haggle over how to address the Fiscal Cliff, your voice is needed to help protect jobs, schools and other vital services that Oregon families rely on. All you have to do is pick up the phone and call U.S. Senator Ron Wyden at 1-866-293-7278. Wyden is in a position to make a difference in this debate. We need his support and he needs to hear from you. Go here to see the potential cuts.

Your message to Senator Wyden:

  • Americans voted for jobs, not cuts.
  • Don’t sell working families out by compromising on cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and vital services that will destroy millions of jobs and hurt children, seniors and people with disabilities.
  • The best way to reduce the deficit is to create jobs and end tax breaks for the rich.
  • We want you to publicly agree to protect Medicare, Medicaid, education, child care and other vital services from cuts.
Thank you in advance for making the call! If you'd like more information, go here.

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