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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Contract issues / bargaining

Dear part-timers, it's that time again! Because it took us a year and half to settle the last contract, we have arrived at bargaining time again quickly. Our current contract will end on June 30th, 2013. Admin and the other bargaining units are eager to start bargaining sooner rather than later, perhaps as early as January.

Please discuss the contract here. Do you want to see any changes? Are you happy with the way it is?

Possible discussion points can be:

1. article 16
2. recognition of more members not currently in the barg unit
3. mileage
4. office hours
5. instructor evaluation / due process / termination
6. access to being hired full-time
7. grievance process if not given a class
8. disciplinary meetings
9. prof development fund
10. Health insurance reimbursement

Thank you!


  1. These are all great issues from what I can tell in my short time (1 year) at CCC. My current question is about the timing of course assignments for upcoming terms. It is now week 8 and the course assignments for part-time people in my department have not been completed. Is there any way to have this happen earlier? What does it say in the full-time contract? This seems to relate to the item on 'grievance process if you are not assigned a class' perhaps. Thanks for any insights or comments. Marlene Broemer (signing my name here as I do not have a Profile to use for comments.)

  2. Everyone,

    Thanks for your work on upcoming contract negotiations. I would like to suggest that the college looks at their usage of part time faculty and we recommend converting some folks to full time as the need seems to exist. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but part-timers might be being over utilized. I say that while understanding that we don't want to diminish the level of instructors, we just want to have a strategy to get more of us into full time positions. On the other hand, attempting to wrangle the college into creating positions may have the effect of causing them to limit instructor hours to just below a set bar, making it more difficult to make a living on part time wages. Any thoughts on this subject? Thanks, Mike Berlingen

  3. I think this would fall under Article 16 of our contract. Many senior PT faculty are teaching from 3-8 classes per term, whereas others are getting 1-2 classes. Would you make these senior faculty full time and the ones with less time on board continue to be part time but with more hours?
