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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

PDF and Moodle, In-Service and CLC functions

The PDF committee will cover the following, as long as you have the stipend request signed by the workshop trainer. The stipend request is attached to the "documents" section of this blog.
  • During inservice, the PDF committee typically pays $25 for attending the division meeting and $25 for the department meeting. 
  • Three Days to Better Teaching: $100 per day, less if members just attended specific workshops.
  • CLC and Moodle workshops: we pay $25 for an hour and $50 for a two hour session. However, if your department requires that you attend a Moodle 2.0 session, it will be paid for by your department. All unrequired Moodle 2.0 workshops will be covered by the PDF.
Questions? Please contact PDF Chair Kerry Cotter at KCotter@clackamas.edu.

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