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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dear Part-time Faculty,
It's near the end of the school year and time once again to recruit some Executive Board positions. Many of our find executive board members have been servicing for five or more years. We are in need of "new blood". Won't you pleaes look over the following positions and perhaps nominiate yourself or someone else (with their permission). Voting should commence soon. Thank you, Jennifer & Rosemary

Treasurer’s Duties
Part-Time Faculty Association
1.    Receive and deposit monthly dues checks.
2.    Create monthly financial report.
3.    Write checks for expenses as needed.
4.    Maintain the Association spreadsheet in up-to-date status
5.    Annually, file an IRS epostcard form 990 N.
6.    Form budget committee in June each year.  Produce a budget.
7.    Ensure budget is created by August 1 each year.  Distribute to Board.
8.    Ensure maintenance of a prudent reserve in checking and savings accounts.
9.    Ensure budgeted amounts are not over-spent without prior Board authorization.


The advocacy chair is the person to whom members come when they feel they have a problem with the administration.  Particularly, when there is a violation of the PTFA collective bargaining agreement.  The advocacy person will:
1.      Meet with the member to discuss their issues and have member fill out a contract violation form if they ask for the PTFA to help.
2.      Be prepared to counsel the member on how to handle their particular situation.
3.      Be familiar with the PTFA contract and all of its timelines and how it impinges on the grievance procedure.
4.      Inform the member and the executive board of the union about the violations of the  contract and make recommendations as to the strength of the complaint.
5.      Provide support to the member when he/she meets with their immediate supervisor to attempt an informal resolution of the problem.
6.      Prepare, sign and file grievance forms in appropriate cases.
7.      Accompany the grievant in meetings with the Deans who may want to resolve the issues without going to arbitration.
8.      Prepare and file a Notice to Arbitrate if meetings with the Deans fail to resolve the issues.
9.      Prepare, sign and file Notice to Withdraw Arbitration Request should the PTFA Board decline to proceed.
10.  Work with the attorney or OEA consultant that will handle the arbitration to prepare the case.


1.    Be an active member of the executive board, which means being available via email, phone or in person to help the executive board make decisions. Some decisions involving voting, grievances or bargaining need a near immediate decision (= same day).

2.    Assume the duties of the president whenever he/she is unavailable. This may include attending regular meetings with administration, attending the Board of Education meeting, attending social events such as awards ceremonies, graduation, retiree lunches, and etcetera. It also includes possibly attending Oregon Education Association (OEA) functions and meetings, such as College Council, the President’s Meeting, the Representative Assembly and etcetera.

3.    Take on special projects from time to time. This may include communicating with members, writing survey questions, and/or planning professional development (workshops and conferences). If there is nothing immediate, a VP can choose to take on a project in which he/she is interested.

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