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Thursday, April 5, 2012

As you know, yours truly recently finished some great NEA leadership training. As part of our training, we staged a picket line at two private universities in Chicago. Both are behaving badly; i.e. not following Illinois labor law.

As an aside, I don't know why, but the Chicago police actually came to our hotel and followed us to the first univerity. A few of us mentioned that we are all middle-aged instructors and not likely to make trouble :-). Anyhow, the police watched us picket and even chanted along. So cool. The 99% were together. 

Here is a picture of us picketing. Please read the article, as well. We did good work against a bad college. Really! The Illinois State Labor Board has certified a part-timers' bargaining unit, but the college won't allow it and has sacked some of the major organizers, who went to the Labor board, got their jobs back, got a year's back pay, and were sacked again (not rehired, that is....)

Please read all about it. Three of my colleagues are pictured, but you don't know who....


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