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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Important message: sent note to Legislative Ways and Means Committee (for college funding):

This is important. Please use the link (scroll down) to fight for money to go to community colleges. Otherwise, more cuts to our programs could happen.

I just got a call over the weekend where I learned that all of the spanish-speaking computer classes have been cut (as have driver's ed and the immigrant nurses program "win-win"). That shows me we are getting away from "community" college and closer to a place where degrees and transfers are more important. Jennifer Rueda
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <andrea.cooper@oregoned.org>
Date: Tue, May 28, 2013 at 9:47 AM
Subject: Take Action! Community College Budget Advocacy

Community College Council,

We are reaching a crucial point in the legislative session when Legislators are making final decisions on the budget. As many of you know, a few weeks ago we received good news that that states revenue forecast was up $271 million dollars. This was unanticipated revenue that can now be invested in higher education and other critical services. Unfortunately, this also means the corporate kicker is likely to kick -- and rather than putting funds towards education, corporations may get a $20.3 million kick back from the state. We need to reach out to Legislators and ask them to invest in Oregon's community colleges and redirect the kicker to the Community College Support fund.

Please follow the link below to send a message to Legislators about the critical need for adequate funding. This email system allows you to click the arrows and populate a pre-generated email or you can edit it and make it your own. I would highly recommend adding a personal touch and a personal story about how budget cuts have impacted you and your students.


Please help spread the word to your members! (Note: since this is lobbying related, please send to personal email accounts)

As always, please let me know if you have any questions!




Andrea Cooper
Public Affairs Consultant
Oregon Education Association
Office: (503) 495-2173
Cell: (971) 275-0068