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Friday, March 29, 2013

Part-timer / Adjunct Issues

Hello everyone, I recently attending an almost 4-day Higher Ed conference hosted by the NEA. It was GREAT. Very well put together with plenty of small group discussions. I attended a lot of part-timer/adjunct workshops, which led me to re-announce some of the good  organizations out there who want to build power for adjuncts. You may have heard of them- the biggest being The New Faculty Majority. Folks, it's up to US to make our working conditions better. The few folks who run the PTFA can't do it alone.



Compensation: Equity in Compensation: Equal Pay for Equal Work
Job Security: Equity in Job Security: Automatic Contract Renewals after Probationary Period
Academic Freedom: Equity in Academic Freedom: Freedom from Retaliation in All Teaching and Research
Faculty Governance: Equity in Faculty Governance - Right to Participate Equally for All Faculty Members
Professional Advancement: Equity in Professional Advancement: Progressive Salary Steps and Equal Access to Professional Development Opportunities for All Faculty

Benefits: Equity in Benefits: Access to the Same Health Insurance & Retirement Benefits for All
Unemployment Insurance: Equity in Unemployment Insurance: Access to the Same Benefits as Other Seasonal Employees

LERC class: Recruiting and Developing Leaders

I have attended several U of O Labor Educationa and Research Center classes. They are very professional and well-done. I always learn something new and relevant. The next class is on May 18th in Springfield.

If you attend, the PTFA will pay the costs ($65.00 for the class, plus milage and coffee / snacks). Lunch is part of the event. You must write a short summary (2-3 paragraphs) for the Spring newsletter, however.

Please let Jennifer (Pebblesmom1@gmail.com) know if you will go (you must promise, because we'll pre-pay the class). The link:


Thank you!!!!