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Sunday, February 10, 2013

OEA Lobby Day March 25th

The 2013 Legislative Session has begun!

2013 Legislature Convenes

Budgets and PERS Dominate Agenda

On Monday, February 4, 2013 the 77th Oregon Legislative Assembly officially began. Over the next six months, the 60 members of the House of Representatives and 30 members of the Oregon Senate will grapple with budgets for education, health care, public safety and will debate policy issues from the Public Employee Retirement System to paid sick leave.

Throughout the session, we encourage educators from around the state to join together and tell their stories. It's critical that you use your on-the-ground experience in your classrooms and work sites to advocate for your students and your profession. Be sure to Save the Date (or better yet, register today!) for OEA's Lobby Day, on March 25.
Stay informed by visiting OEA's 2013 Legislative webpage. Don't forget to check out OEA's Bill Tracking tool. You can monitor the progress of any bill before the Oregon Legislature.

Get Involved. Make a Difference.

Are you interested in helping build your local association's political strength? Would you like to work with coalitions, fellow members and elected officials to better our schools? Apply to be an OEA Political Cadre! As a cadre, you can assist your local union with anything from volunteer recruitment and training, communicating with members and the public, to coordinating local actions and organizing events. You can fill out a cadre application here. Only a limited number of positions are available. Please return completed applications to OEA's Government Relations Department. For questions and a position description, please contact Ken Volante in OEA's Public Affairs Department. Stipends are provided to all political cadres.
Educators know first hand that we're facing a crisis in our classrooms. Oregon now has the third largest class size in the country.

Our failure to invest in our public schools is shortchanging our students and our future. With soaring class sizes, educators are finding it increasingly more challenging to give their students the individual attention they need to succeed. This is unacceptable. What can we do about it? Join OEA's Class Size Campaign! Tell Us Your Number. Tell Your Story!

Test Out the PERS Calculator

Do you know that the Governor's proposal on PERS could cost educators more than $100,000? Kitzhaber's idea would limit the amount of the Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA) paid to retirees to the first $24,000 per year of benefits. Go here to learn more about the proposal and use our simple, online tool to calculate how the Governor's proposal would impact you and your family.

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