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Your forum for conversation, news, and updates about your world.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

NEA article about Jennifer's leadership training

Read about yours truly and her cohort at a hands-on union training experience in California that I went to in November (or was it October).  We had a great time and learned a lot. Jennifer. click here for the article. I hope you enjoy it: http://www.educationvotes.nea.org/2011/11/29/higher-ed-members-learn-organizing-skills-at-emerging-leaders-academy/

Watch out for Bill Sizemore's petition

According to DefendOregon, Bill Sizemore is up to his old tricks. "Sizemore is back with another attack on public employees and charities. He’s circulating an initiative that would revoke the right of public employees to contribute to their union’s political activities and many charities. His Initiative Petition 3 is nearly identical to Measure 64, which was defeated in 2008." I think old Bill is in jail for tax evasion, but he is always a threat.

"Sizemore’s Initiative Petition 3 is currently on the streets gathering signatures. His organizations have used fraud, forgery, and racketeering in order to get on the ballot in the past. That’s why we need your eyes and ears on the street to help us gather information about Sizemore’s signature-gathering operation." 
Click here to find out how to inform DefendOregon if you happen to see his petitioners on the streets. http://www.defendoregon.org/. This way DefendOregon can set the record straight. Let's keep him honest!

Leadership Conference in San Diego!!!

The Pacific Regional Leadership Conference (PRLC) is designed to further enhance the knowledge of K-12 educators, education support professionals, higher education, student, and retired members.

Please click here for more info: http://www.nea.org/grants/41161.htm. This would be a good conference for those who need to see some sun (:-), as the conference is in San Diego.

If you want to go, please contact Jennifer at PTFA@clackamas.edu. There is some expectation that you will report back what you learned and be prepared to help out the PTFA from time to time in some capacity.

Labor/Management Conference

This looks like a great conference especially if we don't want a repeat of the last 18 months of "positional" bargaining. It would be great if someone could go. Your costs would be largely covered by the PTFA and/or Prof Dev Fund. In exchange, the PTFA would need some kind of report. We would be verrrry interested in what you learn at the conference as we will be bargaining again in about 9 months. Contact Jennifer if you want to go at ptfa@clackamas.edu.

Click here for info: http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/ncscbhep

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Here's Your Tool Kit to Make OEA's Day of Action a Success!
By now, you've likely begun the process of developing a logistics and recruitment plan for OEA's Day of Action on President's Day, February 20, 2012. We need thousands of members storming the Capitol and making our voice heard! Here are the tools you'll need to make your local plan a success. In this tool kit you'll find:
  • Sample plans and a planning template to assist you in building your own plan
  • A draft agenda of the day's activities
  • Transportation logistics and reimbursement information
  • Day of Action messages and themes, to encourage member participation
Don't forget, you and your members can go online NOW to register! If you're interested in getting a list of your members who have already registered, contact us.

Help Inform Education Policy in Oregon

Your expertise is needed on a critial survey from Oregon's Quality Education Commission (QEC). Educators need to weigh in and share their thoughts on professional collaboration & formative assessment. Please take a moment to take the survey now. Be sure to share it far and wide with your members - put a link on your website, and send it out through social media and your emial listservs. Results from this survey will be shared with Gov. Kitzhaber, the Oregon Legislature, and the Oregon Education Investment Board (OEIB) and used to help set the direction of public education in Oregon.

Mark Your Calendars for the 2012 OEA PIE Convention

The 2012 OEA-PIE Convention is right around the corner! It will take place on March 9 & 10 at the DoubleTree Hotel Portland. Go here to find the NEW OEA-PIE Convention pre-delegate information packet, complete with registration forms, proxy information, hotel details, reimbursement guidelines, and more! Registration is now LIVE.

NEW this year - delegates have multiple registration options:
  1. Go Online! Members can complete an online form that’s automatically submitted; or download and print out a PDF that can then be faxed, mailed, or scanned and emailed,
  2. Members can also ask UniServ offices for the forms and then submit them by mail, fax, scan or email.
  3. The forms included in the packet can also be used by members and sent in via fax, mail, or scanned and emailed.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

OEIB: new funding for community colleges

I’m sending this message to let you know about some upcoming, big changes to the way the state of Oregon funds education. This will eventually affect all of us.

Oregon Education Investment Board (OEIB)

·         Senate Bill 909 created OEIB

·         8 year phase-in (~2012 to 2021 or 2025)

·         Proficiency-based standards (we ask ourselves “What does this mean?”)

·         Higher Ed Taskforce: http://www.ous.edu/state_board/jointb/sis


·         Teens are ready for college-level work

·         Oregonians able to compete globally

·         40% of Oregonians get B.A. or higher, 40% get post-secondary credential, 100% get high school diploma

·         Indicators will be, among others, increased voter turnout and decreased crime and jail sentences

Issues for CCC

·         Funding no longer driven by FTE

·         Funding now driven by results (certificates, degrees, etcetera)

·         Things are moving fast

CCC (and other community colleges) must fundamentally change their philosophy and methodology. Funding will be based on student sustainability and performance.  We are shifting from “education activity” to “learner proficiency”. This requires shifting the basis for funding from time-based activities to proficiency-based outcomes.

For CCC (and all public educational institutions), there is not yet a full understanding of how funding will be allotted to the community colleges. One way will be through “Achievement Compacts”*. If the educational institution does not meet its own goals, and so loses funding, the compact can be amended to get funding flowing again.

CCC’s problem: how to measure “proficiency-based outcomes”. The new “outcomes” model will probably be more intrusive (meaning community colleges will have less discretion) and more of a “prescription” by the state than the FTE model.